
The road to greatness is most times rough and at times smooth. National Union of Road Transport Workers can aptly be described as having established itself solidly in view of its socio-economic contributions to the country..

Dissemination Process for NURTW Registration Form (from Bank headquarter to Bank Branches)

The Responsibility of a Bank Operator

  1. Bank operator is required to log-in with the username and password given to him/her by the Portal administrator.
  2. After successful log-in, Bank Operator should create bank branches and also create bank branch operators respectively.
  3. After creating bank branch operators, Bank Operator is expected to register the batch allocation of registration forms to branch operators on the portal.

The Responsibility of a Bank Branch Operator

  1. Branch operators are required to log-in with the username and password given to him/her by the corresponding Bank Operator.
  2. After which he/she is expected to register the sales of Registration Forms to NURTW Coordinators in Batches on the portal.
(NB. There is a brief illustration on how the portal works On the home page)

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  • Mutual Benefits Assurance Plc
  • First Bank PLC
  • Access Solution LTD.
    forward moving, upward thinking.

Contact Info

Phone:  08033041476, 08034515012
Address: NURTW HQ No 8, Plot 1236 Sapele street, Garki 2, Abuja Nigeria.
E-mail: info@nurtw.com

Registration Form Process of Purchase

  1. Each state coordinator will purchase the registration forms in bulk from nominated banks close to them and coordinates the sales of forms to branches under them.
  2. NURTW Branches will purchase the registration forms in bulk from their respective state coordinator and are required to coordinate the sales of forms to members under them.
  3. Members will purchase the registration form from the branch and bring it (already filled) to the data registration center as at when due
  4. Branches are charged with the responsibility of collating/keeping records of members name and phone number at the point of purchase.After they are expected to submit these data to the state coordinator
  5. The biometric enabled data registration process will commence after the duration for form sales elapsed.
  6. The biometric enabled data capture centre will be at each branch in each state, members will be required to go to NURTW branch for data capture (members should bring with them the form purchased earlier to the data processing centre)
  7. A temporary receipt will be giving to members after registration
  8. Data captured nationwide will be processed and prepared for CHIP enabled ID. Card production
  9. ID cards will be arranged and distributed to each state coordinators.
  10. State coordinators will gets these cards down to branches under them
  11. Members are expected to collect cards from branches nationwide